Swag management for human resource teams

Simplify onboarding, reward programs, and wellness initiatives while ensuring every team member feels valued and appreciated.

Higher retention

Boost retention by creating an engaging and rewarding work environment.

Stronger culture

Cultivate a vibrant and cohesive company culture through thoughtful swag.

Employee engagement

Make company events more memorable and drive more attendance.

Build a new hire program

Ensure new hires feel welcomed and part of the team from day one. High-quality branded items can help new team members feel valued and excited about their new role, making their transition smoother and more enjoyable.

Coworkers chatting about next

Increase retention

Boost employee retention by creating a positive and engaging work environment. Providing meaningful swag can reinforce your company culture and show employees they are appreciated, leading to higher job satisfaction retention rates.

Give meaningful rewards and incentives

Recognize and motivate your team with rewards that truly make a difference. Incentivize and celebrate achievements or milestones in a way that resonates with employees and enhances their engagement.

What our clients say

Discover the impact we've made across various industries through their personal stories and testimonials

"Our transformation of swag and gifting has shifted in the best way possible" 

Rachael Rodriguez

Creative Marketing Strategist

"They are the best anyone could ever ask for. The tools make doing business simple and stress-free!"

Savana Fuchs

Executive Assistant

"I can't believe how much time we've saved on managing swag rewards since partnering with Avail." 

Chris White

Sales Director
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"The interface is clean and easy to use. It's an important tool for the marketers on our team."

Robert Miller

Vice President, Marketing
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"Accessing my different stores and managing inventory is so much easier than before"

Jessica Lee

Marketing Specialist

"So many different teams order swag. Having all of the invoices consolidated and organized makes things simple"

Karen Harris

Procurement Specialist

"Getting creative and unique ideas is incredibly helpful. I no longer have to play middle man with my teams"

Amanda Martinez

Marketing Coordinator

"Having a platform that keeps our brand consistent has been the key. We no longer have to worry about it."

Emily Johnson

Brand Director
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Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Company celebrations

Make your company celebrations unforgettable by recognizing achievements, anniversaries, or cultural events in a special way. Create lasting memories with meaningful gifts and commemorative items that employees will get excited about.

Coworkers chatting about next

Wellness programs

Promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle among your employees. Encourage fitness, relaxation, and overall well-being with programs and activities that show you care about their health. Providing resources and incentives for wellness can boost morale, productivity, and job satisfaction, making your workplace a supportive and thriving environment.

Integrations to make it easy

By integrating with your existing systems, you can simplify management and ensure that every employee feels valued and recognized without the added workload. Automate things like employee access, rewards, and anniversary programs effortlessly.

Schedule a demo today and get started for free

Say hello to a new platform that makes managing company swag fun and simple.

A display of swag items neatly placed across a table